Ok, so you know you like pins, you just don't know which ones to choose! Let the experts (me) handle that for you with this curated mystery selection of some of our finest!
Get 5 premium pins for the price of 3.5 pins. What a steal!
$35.00 USD
I loved the ones I got <3
Great selection!
Always interesting to see what comes in these packs, never disappointed! Thanks Inner Decay!
Perfect gift ,
I'm an indecisive person, so this was great. My husband and I loved all the options that came. Not a bad one in the bunch.
Ok, so you know you like patches, you just don't know which ones to choose! Let the experts (me) handle that for you with this curated mystery selection of some of our finest!
Get 5 premium patches for the price of 3.5 patches. What a steal!
As always high quality patches and exactly what I was hoping for.
There’s too many awesome pins and patches to choose from. The patch ouch is a great deal and he puts some awesome choices in there!
I love the art of Inner Decay so I enjoy the surprise. Any dupes I give away to friends.
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